Cosmic Surrounding for Business (CSB), began in Southern California years ago, when a young couple met at a business conference. The young man had just finished college studying Information Technology, and was eager to start his company. He began with only a vision that he soon shared with a young visiting entrepreneur from Tokyo. He admired her energy, and they spent long hours discussing their life goals. Soon they split their time between Southern California and Tokyo. The man launched his first office from San Diego, CA and then a few years later, he expanded to Oman and San Francisco. What he appreciated about his birthplace, was the rich history and traditions of the Middle East. He wanted to incorporate the magic and mystery of his homeland into company. There was something missing. How would he do that? He had lived among the great stories of his people, and had experienced living in the huge metropolitan cites across the world, but he wanted his company to build its foundation beyond the then emerging technologies. In 2015, he met a couple of entrepreneurs who would soon move respectfully from across the world to Silicon Valley. Both brought critical aspects to his company, the women was a research professor at a local university that had years of experience in VR, and was well-published on future technologies. She was seeking new ways to engage in her craft and her business partner was an award-winning filmmaker who had traveled the world in his youth, from Sweden to Bangladesh. He fell in love with VR and saw its potential in filmmaking. His family roots were in Mexico City, and he also grew up listening to his ancestor’s stories.
From there the company continued expanding, bringing together a strong mix of technologists, strategists and storytellers, who believe that the latest in new trends and technologies are nothing without the rich content that underlies them. In other words, a good story proceeds the best in tools. Rather invite your audience into your world, and make it their own, allow them to experience and interact within it. CSB is about creating such future-minded solutions for your company to engage your audience. Engage through immersive and tightly crafted stories, that are filled with magic and mystery, drawing on the legends of Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. Start with a story and create an experience to share that story. That’ the story of CSB. What’s your story? We can tell it for you!